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Dorkus where the f*ck have you been?

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Ive managed to ascertain the winning strategy for the 2020 presidential election.

I think Hilldog didnt win cause she wasnt diverse enough.

So, I think Michelle Obama is going to come out as a tranny, leave Barry, declare shimself a lesbian & run off with Oprah who becomes the first lady. fun fact Oprah is 83% native american & 27% latino. She can now eat a whole buffalo with a side of refried sick legally.

If the polls are lagging, they may have to rock, paper, scissors (aka rock off) to work out who has to lop off a limb for the disability vote.

Its a sure fire winner!

Mod note: This post walks a fine line and treads on our 'no political' rule pretty heavily. Last warning before a point is issued.
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my sincere apologies, I honestly wished to enlighten those who were unaware of the possibility's available.
For example, lets fuck Oprah off and have the ex first wookie run off with Kanye, thats about partisan as you can get right?.

So, if michelle the first tranny runs off with Kanye. does that win diversity lotto?
Im so confused.

However I did consider I was banging upon the cervix of what may be acceptable, so for crossing some imaginary line such as is the equator, I do apologise.

Please dont ban me, I live for this forum & would be suicidal without it.

Dont make me do it, cause i will................


Mod note: Warning point issued
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Would the real (not fake) @dorkus_molorkus please stand up;

Your avatar cartoon is so like your photo.:smoke:

Mod note: You get one free pass for rule breaking.... this is it.
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  • upload_2018-11-24_20-17-17.jpeg
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Must have been posted by an Australian...wha'dya tink? haha

Ive managed to ascertain the winning strategy for the 2020 presidential election.

I think Hilldog didnt win cause she wasnt diverse enough.

So, I think Michelle Obama is going to come out as a tranny, leave Barry, declare shimself a lesbian & run off with Oprah who becomes the first lady. fun fact Oprah is 83% native american & 27% latino. She can now eat a whole buffalo with a side of refried sick legally.

If the polls are lagging, they may have to rock, paper, scissors (aka rock off) to work out who has to lop off a limb for the disability vote.

Its a sure fire winner!

Mod note: This post walks a fine line and treads on our 'no political' rule pretty heavily. Last warning before a point is issued.
You always make me laugh!
I would watch your show!

I missed a lot here

Kinda glad I did tbh

I love crude messed up out there humour, I enjoy fucking with ppls who are making a mockery of real life

Not when mixed in with underlying racist and mysoginistic shit under the guise of "controversial humour"

Guess that's why it's a politics free forum

Coz I can take the piss out of cunts with the best of them

I can also lay hard cold truths and facts that fuck a lot of ppls bullshit

Much like the buttsmarn posted ages ago
I liked his c$&t video posted here

After watching his videos he is a prime example of what I am talking about

Intelligent enough to make "humour" and observations

But forgets proper research when it is against his personal beliefs and goes on shit rants that are bullshit covered by pretending to be funny and straight up....
Some of his shit I watch and am all good following, then out comes the true agenda

Excellent "fake newsing"

Anyways, in fear of copping a warning too I have left my views out of this and will pull up now myself

As for straya - I'll leave you with uncle Chika Dixon's (who worked most his life and was part of unions that fought and won rights for all workers - got a state funeral and had many wharfies and other white ppl speak at his funeral for him) when he went to America way back and they asked him "what did the Aboriginal people call "Australia" before white man came over?"
He paused for a moment and said " Home, we didn't leave the place and didn't need to name it for others....it was just home"

Love the post and yup looks like an "Aussie" put that sign up

Good respectful and unusual for a traveling"Aussie" to repsect other countries ways and the locals though
Thus the sign made by a decent "Aussie" to tell the ones he knows are coming to pull up
Just ask the locals wherever you go
Otherwise no sign would be needed ay.....

Or @ataxian memories in the 70s of them in Hawaii.

I tried hard to keep it civil and non polotical @momofthegoons

I hope I avoided a warning

Vape on everyone and enjoy the chill
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