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Make a wish, win a one of a kind WoodScents

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Last one. Thank you again!


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Just spoke with Ed and he is counting up the posts right now... As you can imagine, with the tremendous outpouring of support, he has quite a job ahead of him with this.

So stay tuned.... the winner will be announced in a bit....

And thank you to everyone who participated. Can't wait to find out the final tally... :heart:
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Wow I have been at it since 5am working on all the entries adding them up and then cutting and writing them on little pieces of paper to put in the hat, and now that I think of it I could have just typed them once and then copied and pasted them then printed em and cut em out. Hmm probably could have saved myself at least an hour. Ahhh heck all is good and now the winner has been selected. I had my 14 year old draw from the basket and will post all the video and such at IG for you all to see.

Really wanna say to each and everyone of you a big THANK YOU so much for making this a great success. After all the entries and without doing all the exchange rates the total was $1,607! Am so impressed with you all for stepping up to help make wishes for the kids and make this raffles such a success. Last one I did like this raised just under half this total so I gotta say thank you again.

Also wanna say thanks so much to @Dynavap for their offer of the Black Omni with super limited edition pure silver mouthpiece and also to Simrell Collection for their offerings of the Omni Body and Ebony Storage tube, really appreciate it guys and thanks for making this raffle even more exciting for all those who entered.

I know there were alot of you that donated many many times and I cant say how much I appreciate that and so much your enthusiasm to keep doing so.

Now the time we have all been waiting for, the winner of the donation/raffle for this mega prize is @Ilikechicken3 congratulations. I hope you enjoy them all very much and look to hear from you soon so I can get this all shipped out to you.

Thanks again everyone!!!!
Now the time we have all been waiting for, the winner of the donation/raffle for this mega prize is @Ilikechicken3 congratulations. I hope you enjoy them all very much and look to hear from you soon so I can get this all shipped out to you.

Thanks again everyone!!!!


What a delightful surprise! Big thanks to @Ed's TnT, @momofthegoons, @Dynavap, and @The Simrell Collection for putting together this wonderful giveaway and crafting these one of a kind pieces!

And most importantly, thank you to all of you generous, kind-hearted folks who contributed to MAW all over the world and helped make some dreams come true for some very deserving children!
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VGoodiez 420EDC