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Accessories The Simrell Collection

What an incredibly disappointing customer experience @Squiby. I don't blame you for feeling aggrieved for not only the timeframe but the actual resolution of the issues. Personally I would get a refund & be done with the caper.

There was nothing wrong with your stem, so there was no need for it to be replaced.

You are absolutely right. There's the general idea that you would replace it with a matching piece. If you are unable to make a matching replacement that is not Squiby's issue rather yours. The obligation is on you to furnish a suitable replacement. If that means you have to make a stem to match the replacement case & stash so be it.

Considering the number of your stems Squibys review would have indirectly sold combined with her level of esteem in the VapCap community this experience could not have happened to a worse candidate.
This forum, as most of you should know by now, is not about selling vaporizers or accessories. It's about letting members know what's out there that we recommend as safe and reliable and who can be trusted to supply a good product and a positive customer experience. It is not about 'free advertising' or selling the newest thing. Additionally, I have tried to support the artisan community since they don't have the benefit of big storefronts.

While perusing IG last night, I came to the realization that I have been blocked by @The Simrell Collection. For reasons unknown to me, he does not want me seeing his content or the comments on his page. I am assuming that this was done due to my linking to a review that probably should have been made in his thread to begin with. Whatever the reason, if a manufacturer or an accessory maker is going to block me from seeing their content, I feel that their time is over here at the Asylum. This thread is closed.

Edit: Austyn has been in contact with me and has apologized profusely for the way he has handled things. And has promised to try very hard to improve his customer service and business ethics. I'm a big believer in second chances... and as such have decided to open this thread again.

But... I'm saying one chance. Sort of like double secret probation. :cool:
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I want to provide an update to my cracked case and stash from the Simrell Collection.


Austin offered me a full refund on my order with the caveat that I mail everything back to him. He said that he would issue me a refund including shipping costs upon receipt of the pieces. I immediately accepted his terms.

As I cleaned everything to get it ready to mail out, I noticed the one piece that had remained intact, the original stem, had now developed a crack as well. So all the pieces of the original set cracked... Total fail.

I put the stems inside the cases for shipping but I didn't realize that the replacement case had not been made to accommodate the original stem and it got stuck in there when I put it in. I sent him the three original cracked pieces; the case, stash and stem as well as the replacement case, stash and complimentary stem.

I sent him the parcel tracking number and shortly after that he graciously sent me a full refund!!! He didn't wait until receipt of the parcel, which I do appreciate.

I've always taken very good care of my wood. I have many pieces. They all have wood conditioner applied once a month. My home is climate controled. I've never had a piece crack on me before. My original set consisted of three pieces; a case, a stash and a stem. Within two months the case cracked in several places followed shortly by the stash. I initially thought that the problem was just with the brass lined case and stash since my stem seemed fine. But in the end the stem finally cracked as well, but it took almost 6 months for a crack to appear.

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I want to provide an update to my cracked case and stash from the Simrell Collection.


Austin offered me a full refund on my order with the caveat that I mail everything back to him. He said that he would issue me a refund including shipping costs upon receipt of the pieces. I immediately accepted his terms.

As I cleaned everything to get it ready to mail out, I noticed the one piece that had remained intact, the original stem, had now developed a crack as well. So all the pieces of the original set cracked... Total fail.

I put the stems inside the cases for shipping but I didn't realize that the replacement case had not been made to accommodate the original stem and it got stuck in there when I put it in. I sent him the three original cracked pieces; the case, stash and stem as well as the replacement case, stash and complimentary stem.

I sent him the parcel tracking number and shortly after that he graciously sent me a full refund!!! He didn't wait until receipt of the parcel, which I do appreciate.

I've always taken very good care of my wood. I have many pieces. They all have wood conditioner applied once a month. My home is climate controled. I've never had a piece crack on me before. My original set consisted of three pieces; a case, a stash and a stem. Within two months the case cracked in several places followed shortly by the stash. I initially thought that the problem was just with the brass lined case and stash since my stem seemed fine. But in the end the stem finally cracked as well, but it took almost 6 months for a crack to appear.

PURPLE HEART is so beautiful!
Too bad it’s prone to crack?

“M” in a UFO to be CIVILIZED
My large new lighter is between a small and a large torch.
Looking for INDUCTION so I can VAPCAP indoor’s!
@LesPlentyhas one I need/want?
Year’s ago I tried a chaisen I could not handle two at once!
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I want to provide an update to my cracked case and stash from the Simrell Collection.


Austin offered me a full refund on my order with the caveat that I mail everything back to him. He said that he would issue me a refund including shipping costs upon receipt of the pieces. I immediately accepted his terms.

As I cleaned everything to get it ready to mail out, I noticed the one piece that had remained intact, the original stem, had now developed a crack as well. So all the pieces of the original set cracked... Total fail.

I put the stems inside the cases for shipping but I didn't realize that the replacement case had not been made to accommodate the original stem and it got stuck in there when I put it in. I sent him the three original cracked pieces; the case, stash and stem as well as the replacement case, stash and complimentary stem.

I sent him the parcel tracking number and shortly after that he graciously sent me a full refund!!! He didn't wait until receipt of the parcel, which I do appreciate.

I've always taken very good care of my wood. I have many pieces. They all have wood conditioner applied once a month. My home is climate controled. I've never had a piece crack on me before. My original set consisted of three pieces; a case, a stash and a stem. Within two months the case cracked in several places followed shortly by the stash. I initially thought that the problem was just with the brass lined case and stash since my stem seemed fine. But in the end the stem finally cracked as well, but it took almost 6 months for a crack to appear.

@Squiby I do apologize for your experience and the time it took to address it. The set was made from the same block of ebony and same block of Purple Heart. It’s very possible that there was a drying issue from my supplier and the Wood wasn’t completely dried before production. There are variables at play, including humidity of the environment and the original manufacturing process I had. I have changed my manufacturing process since that time.

Every piece that leaves my shop varies slightly. I don’t have any jigs to make everything the same size. Since every set is built around the items, I should’ve asked you to measure the stem and tip together for the proper sizing so everything worked together. I have never had to replace a set or case before, so this is a detail that I missed. I completely dropped the ball, I will openly admit and take full responsibility for it. I’m sorry that it happened.

Through this experience, it has opened my eyes to things that I will be addressing and improving. I am implementing a lot of new systems and organization stategies. There is no excuse for the time in which it took to address the issue and again I take full responsibility. I have learned a lot and will improve upon every facet of my business and my woodcrafting process.

There will be a drastic change made in The Simrell Collection. I take my reputation very seriously and will take all these concerns to heart and improve anywhere that I can. I will remain to be as transparent as possible and address any concerns that somebody has. I appreciate everybody’s input. Good and bad.

I’m here to put my best foot forward. If I have upset anybody in this community i truly am sorry. I’m passionate about dynavap and my woodworking. I’m here to provide as much value as I can and offer another choice of customization, With my own style and vision.

I also want to publicly show my respects to @phattpiggie and @Edstnt. These guys do phenomenal work and were doing dynavap aftermarket accessories way before me. I don’t believe I entered the space almost a year ago, on the right foot with you guys and for that I formally apologize. I think sometimes my age shines through and I will absolutely work on that. I respect what you guys do and your passion for woodworking.

I hope that this community can give me another chance to really show what I’m capable of.
@Squiby I do apologize for your experience and the time it took to address it. The set was made from the same block of ebony and same block of Purple Heart. It’s very possible that there was a drying issue from my supplier and the Wood wasn’t completely dried before production. There are variables at play, including humidity of the environment and the original manufacturing process I had. I have changed my manufacturing process since that time.

Every piece that leaves my shop varies slightly. I don’t have any jigs to make everything the same size. Since every set is built around the items, I should’ve asked you to measure the stem and tip together for the proper sizing so everything worked together. I have never had to replace a set or case before, so this is a detail that I missed. I completely dropped the ball, I will openly admit and take full responsibility for it. I’m sorry that it happened.

Through this experience, it has opened my eyes to things that I will be addressing and improving. I am implementing a lot of new systems and organization stategies. There is no excuse for the time in which it took to address the issue and again I take full responsibility. I have learned a lot and will improve upon every facet of my business and my woodcrafting process.

There will be a drastic change made in The Simrell Collection. I take my reputation very seriously and will take all these concerns to heart and improve anywhere that I can. I will remain to be as transparent as possible and address any concerns that somebody has. I appreciate everybody’s input. Good and bad.

I’m here to put my best foot forward. If I have upset anybody in this community i truly am sorry. I’m passionate about dynavap and my woodworking. I’m here to provide as much value as I can and offer another choice of customization, With my own style and vision.

I also want to publicly show my respects to @phattpiggie and @Edstnt. These guys do phenomenal work and were doing dynavap aftermarket accessories way before me. I don’t believe I entered the space almost a year ago, on the right foot with you guys and for that I formally apologize. I think sometimes my age shines through and I will absolutely work on that. I respect what you guys do and your passion for woodworking.

I hope that this community can give me another chance to really show what I’m capable of.

Excellent answer!
Wife and child notwithstanding you are still quite young and you have many more mistakes ahead of you and some will be even bigger mistakes so it's good to see you acknowledge a smaller mistake and learn from it.
Good luck to you Simrell.
This thread is a good learning tool for any wannabe web entrepreneurs. Customers always come first.

So Squiby now you can go out and buy a battery vape, lol.

I have a purple heart Dynavap stem made by a different woodworker that is cracked.

I figure it was probably due to the repeated heating/ cooling cycles. It's cosmetic because it's epoxied to a SS sleeve so isn't going to get any worse. If it wasn't fastened it probably would break but am fine with it as is since it's a field piece.

Perhaps purple heart sn't the best material source for vaporizer parts that will he exposed to high and extreme heat fluctuations.
What ever issues there may be with standing my experience with Simrell has been nothing but fantastic.
I am not affiliated in any way . No one with Simrell has any idea who I am.

The Simrell after a multiple year search has become my Huckleberry, the vape that has earned its spot in my pocket.

When taste & vapor production are the measuring stick for a portable vape the Simrell is the one I measure all others against.

I've said before this technically may not be the foundation for a fair comparison... but it keeps it simple for me.

Does the Simrell perform better than the Omni ?
All Omni bodies are great & worth their purchase price. The Simrrel for me out performs it In coolness of vapor , taste & denseness of vapor.

Its very easy to clean not having O rings or the inner tube to deal with.

Complaints, I have few one is the Simrell body is slick & can be hard to hold on to or pass. Austin has stated that the Simrell body was given the profile of a joint.

Other issue is the the carb can be hard to find in the dark. Its easy to pass up as one rotates the body in hand trying to index prior to taking a draw.

If you are aware or think you have a better performing stem for the Dynavap... Please speak up or pm me.

1st Pic: is of assembly for those who are curious.

2nd Pic:
One the perks of owning a Simrell. Remnants of Purple Haze was on the intercooler. The hot coffee releases all of it & intercooler comes out sparkling.... giving my coffee a noticeable kick start. Though with mixed results. Jeff

Mod note: posts merged

Thanx For That... thought about single post. Any ways, I can't help but notice this is one of the cleanest uncluttered forums I've ever joined.
I'll keep this in mind going
forward :) Jeff


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VGoodiez 420EDC