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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)



Beautiful fox cubs.


This is a wolf pup. Looks like a dog puppy. They don’t make good pets even though they are cute. Often as adults they have to be taken to a sanctuary because they are a wild animal. They have wolves and wolf hybrids as well that need to be taken care of. A noble cause to keep these animals safe and people too.
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This is Smokey the fist service dog. Smokey was a 4 pound 7 inches She was bought by Corporal William Wynne from a another soldier that found him. After two years in the war he came back with William Wynne hiding in an oxygen mask. Smokey lived another 10 years. He entertained at veterans hospitals and did television appearances.
My friend Juan loaned me a tiny "cop cam", which is motion activated.
This morning I left it out and told Rocket Man, I was just going to rest for 10 more minutes, but in 9 minutes he decided I rested long enough!
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VGoodiez 420EDC