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Lunacy What are you watching?

I thoroughly enjoyed The Mandalorian on Disney. Besides being a great show it hit me right in the feels as a Star Wars fan. Amazing what can happen when the writer loves the source material. Jon Favreau take a bow.
I just finished watching season 3, I like it,


An awesome movie! It will make you cry.
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It will make you cry.
You are as bad as my wife, she keeps telling me to watch Red Dog for the same reason, I watch shows to get cheered up, my life is miserable enough already!

The Stand, by Stephen King, was the first of his books that I read... and my favorite. In fact I recently thought about picking it up to reread it.

Apparently they are making a series out of it and Stephen Kind is writing the 9th and final episode; putting in a new 'coda' (or ending) that wasn't in the book. Not sure how I feel about that lol... Anyway here's the trailer. Anyone else think they might take a peek at it when it airs?

The Stand would not work for me but I will watch it.
Devil of a time, they sound great in the middle of the night when out camping, luckily we still see them fairly regularly around these parts.
One of my 'dirty little secrets' is that I love variety shows like America's Got Talent. Can't help myself... they remind me of the old Ed Sullivan show. Different people with varied talents... I just love it lol.

I just watched last week's episode of AGT and saw this performer... he made me cry. So powerful.....

‘Signs’ At 15: The Scariest Alien Movie Ever?
By Jade Budowski @jadebudowski Jul 29, 2017 at 9:00am2541 Shares
‘Signs’ At 15: The Scariest Alien Movie Ever?

    - Image ID: T0K90E


    Before Mel Gibson was notoriously a little kooky (and racist) or Abigail Breslin was Little Miss Sunshine, M. Night Shyamalan made Signs, a scary, moving, impressive film now fifteen years old. It’s often overlooked because of his other, bigger films like The Sixth Sense, but it is far and away the film most demonstrative of his prowess as a filmmaker. It’s got depth, style, and patience. It’s criminally underrated amongst the rest of Shyamalan’s films. It is also quite possibly the scariest alien invasion movie ever made – but not for the reasons you might think.
The best makers of thrillers and horror flicks understand that what we don’t see is scarier than any special effect a computer can conjure up. They understand what sound can do – what stimulating senses beyond our vision can achieve, especially when it comes to scaring us. Silence is scary – and Signs knows how to use sound. Signs knows that what terrifies us most are the things that feel real, feel specific, feel plausible.
From the moment the opening credits jar us with James Newton Howard’s stunning score, it’s clear we’re in for something special. Our suspense is heightened, and we’re instantly made apprehensive by the rapid pacing – and then, quiet. Graham Hess (Gibson) is startled awake by a scream, followed by his brother Merrill (Joaquin Phoenix), and the two meet outside as they frantically run into their cornfield to try to find the source. We then meet Graham’s children, Bo (a heartbreakingly adorable Breslin) and Morgan (Rory Culkin). “I think God did it,” Morgan says, an unsettling sense of calm on his face. “Did what, Morgan?” He turns his father’s face to where he’s looking; their cornfield has inexplicably been marked with crop circles, and it’s too perfect to have been done by man. As the camera brings us out to observe the scale of what’s happened, it’s a chill-inducing transition – one that immediately reminds us just how small we are.

I won’t detail the plot here, but there are moments in the film so terrifying it’s necessary to note. There are a lot of people who were disappointed by Signs for its lack of conventional horror components and evident religious undertones – and this is fair. Signs is not scary because it utilizes tradition. It’s scary because it finds fear in our homes – and from the very beginning. His children are not safe in their own backyard, their pets are no longer the warm, friendly companions they once knew, and the sound of the wind chimes is ominous instead of comforting.

The masterful pairing of sound to picture is largely what makes Signs so chilling; each terrifying shot is perfectly matched with a sound cue that ensures it packs the maximum punch. Shyamalan understands how seemingly mundane interactions can be elevated in an instant if you throw in the right ingredients, and that is what he does. The first time we ever get a glimpse of one of the aliens, Graham has come to Bo’s room in response to a typical child’s complaint: “there’s a monster outside my room.” He does what any dad would do and goes back with her, and we’re completely caught off guard when there really is one. It’s one of the few so-called “jump scares” in the film, and it’s incredibly effective.

Really awesome movie. I saw it years ago and just watched it again. I tried to download the trailer but couldn’t .
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I am checking out computers at the moment and have come across some...interesting clips,

This would be even funnier if not true, the new RTX30 series of GPUs are way faster and cheaper than the old flagships...great for patient people though.
Some Pommy Twats...good fun,

Your Honor on Showtime. Bryan Cranston is the main character. Awesome series, it’s limited episodes I believe. Worth watching.​

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Seinfeld is/was easily the best prime-time sitcom of it's generation (here in the US) and for a multitude of reasons. Anything said otherwise is pure hyperbole, imo.

And I like Gordon Ramsey quite a bit... In fact, I think he's awesome, truly! but his "new" rather "timely" show is a terrible take on No Reservations, and in poor taste (pun intended). He really is (almost) impossible not to like...
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