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Lunacy Fur Babies & other critters (the pets thread)

This is an owl that thought the egg she was hatching was one of her own. It’s hers no matter. Surprise!


Edit - just realised the audio is offensive.. apologies, was watching the boys on amazon..
Last edited:
May 23, 2023
It’s been a few months since Chancey boy left the farm. And we all know he is living the ultimate happily ever after with his lovely Mumma and bestie Nevaeh. But here is his farm story complete. It’s an extra long farm story, he was here the longest for rehabilitation, but he also holds a very very special place in our hearts. He always will.
Chance worked so hard on himself while he was here at the farm. From dangerously aggressive to all dogs, and humans too when trying to get to dogs … he turned into a loving boy capable of making positive social connections with any dog he encountered.
Chance holds a piece of Luke’s heart. I can assure you it has quite literally taken everything Luke had to get Chance to where he is today. This was the most emotional, mentally and physically loaded training case for Luke. But it was all so worth it, for Chance to have his last chance turn into his best chance at a loving forever home.
We’re so proud of you Chance. You deserve every minute of the rest of your life to be full of love and happiness. Thank you so much to Chance’s mum for adopting him. Truly a wonderful life he is living.This is Chance’s farm story. The goodest boy.Thank you Ben for making this video of Chance’s time here at the farm.


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